Cabo de Gata

An unknown landscape exists in Europe full of secret and unusual places with fascinating wildlife: the Cabo de Gata, a corner of Spain which divides the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean Sea.

The Marine and Terrestrial Nature Reserve was formed in 1987 and has since maintained its serene beauty. Hiding its glorious history in each stone, it presents an extraordinarily diverse geography bound to a unique climate in Europe. It is a wild land with grandiose landscapes of breathtaking panoramas. Each visit will surprise you, every corner will reveal a wonderful landscape beyond your imagination.

Life in the Cabo de Gata takes you away from the monotony of every day life and brings you closer to the simple things in life and nature, where the sun gives life and creates relaxation. You will discover the meaning of life there and be able to share in the village fiestas and traditions … the people always invite you to share their good fortune.

The marine and terrestrial park of Cabo de Gata Nature Reserve is situated on a spectacular coastline and is surrounded by mountains. It extends 20m/30kms along the coast and is edged by a chain of desert mountains that hide wonderful beaches and creeks. It’s a landscape of amazing contrast. These photos only represent a small part of the splendid reality … just look and imagine. It is a unique place that is not to be missed.

The Nature Reserve

The nature reserve, classified by the UNESCO as World Reserve of the biosphere, covers 38,000 hectares of land and 12,000 hectares of marine coastline with cliffs climbing to 500 metres high and valleys falling to 60 metres below sea level. There are only 3500 people living all year round in the villages of the Cabo de Gata.

The Cabo de Gata has a Mediterranean sub-desert climate with an average annual temperature of 20ºC and sea water at about 18ºC. Of course, the sun is the essential element. With more than 3000 hours of sun per year, this area is the warmest and the dryest area in the Iberian peninsula and even in Europe.

The nature reserve is characterised by a wonderful diversity in landscape, with salt flats and flamingos, dunes, mountains inland of the Cabo de Gata, the old mining villages of Rodalquilar, San Miguel, San José, the caves of Sorbas and the splendid coastline with beautiful coves and beaches. It’s an ideal destination for holidays and enjoying the peace, tranquility, landscape, sea, cliffs, flora and fauna.